The main objective of the company’s Quality Management System is to create a basis for the continuous improvement of the efficiency of its processes, always with the aim of continuously satisfying the needs and expectations of its customers to the maximum extent possible.

In order to achieve the above, the Management supports and continuously applies the basic principles and rules that govern the Company’s Quality Management System, establishing objective objectives for quality, based on the undivided and constructive cooperation of both its employees and its partners.

The basic principles as expressed within the procedures of the Company’s Quality System are:

– Compliance with the legislative and regulatory framework governing the operation of the company and its activities.

– The continuous support of the customer after the sale as well as the productive cooperation with all suppliers

– The continuous information and training of staff

– The investigation of causes of non-compliance or complaints and further determination of corrective actions

– Operating with environmentally friendly practices and based on legal and regulatory requirements related to climate change.

The principles of the system as well as the objective goals for quality are regularly reviewed by the company’s management in order to adapt them to new needs and developments, legislative requirements, but also to achieve the goal of continuous improvement of the company’s operations.

The Management is committed to providing the necessary resources to meet the needs as they arise and are shaped by the existing situations, to the maximum of its ability.

All departments of the company have the responsibility to meet, assimilate and implement the procedures required by the Quality System through their daily activities.

This policy is available to the public and is communicated to all personnel and partners of the company, requiring them to implement it faithfully. Periodically the Policy is reviewed for its appropriateness and effectiveness.