Our vision and mission
To retain our leading position in the Greek steel market and acquire a prominent position in the Balkan market.
To be the preferred choice for our customers because we understand their needs and respond to them immediately, living up to our commitments, offering innovative solutions with top quality products and services at competitive prices.
To ensure all the above through teamwork, with highly qualified managers and partners in a safe working environment, which offers opportunities for moving up the corporate ladder and for developing knowledge and skills.
To set an example to society at large, as a model company that combines tradition and integrity with continuous growth and development. To distinguish ourselves by our concern for our employees and our efforts to improve the social environment.
Our business principles
From the beginning of its operation, our Group is inspired by the perception that a company can be competitive and efficient and at the same time operate with principles and social responsibility.
This perception defines our responsibilities to all those affected by our business activities. Our commitment to principles and our social responsibility are confirmed on a daily basis by the behavior of all of us and are crucial for the continuation of our course.
The Management considers it its responsibility to inform all employees, associates and suppliers of the Group about the principles that govern its operation.
The operation of the Group, in relation to each affiliated group, is included in the following contexts:
· To our Shareholders: We seek to protect their investment and ensure a satisfactory return on their capital under conditions of full transparency.
· Towards our Customers: We make every effort to provide quality products & services, on competitive terms, that meet the needs of our customers.
· Towards our employees: We recognize that our people are our strength. Respecting their rights, ensuring good and safe working conditions without discrimination and their development is a prerequisite for achieving our corporate goals.
· Towards our Business Partners: We believe in mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of products and services as well as with contractors who work with us and are committed to complying with the Code of Conduct towards them. They make the same commitment.
· Towards Society: We operate as a responsible corporate citizen and contribute to the prosperity and progress of society as a whole.