The current Audit Committee consists in 3 members from the Company’s BoD, who have been assigned by the General Assembly pursuant to article 44 of Law 4449/2017.

Audit Committee Members

Sotirios Vardaramatos – Chairman of Audit Committee & BoD (Independent Non-Executive) Member 

Graduate of the Department of Economics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has been practicing the auditing profession since 1984 and particularly, as a member of the Board of Chartered Accountants (SOL) from 1984 to 1992 and of the Board of Chartered Accountants (SOEL) from 1993 until today. Since 1996, with the rank of Certified Public Accountant, he has been active professionally in the Auditing Company “SOL SA”. in which he is also a shareholder. During his long career as Certified Public Accountant, he was elected, as a regular auditor, by a significant number of companies, listed and unlisted, to audit their annual financial statements and to issue tax compliance audit reports. He also dealt with special audits for the listing of companies on the Athens Stock Exchange, business appraisals and special management audits. Last, but not least, he has long experience in the issues of mergers and acquisitions.

Panagiotis Konstantinou – BoD (Non-Executive) Member

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from NTUA and an MSc in Automation Systems (NTUA) and Applied Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business. as well as studies in Industrial Marketing at INSEAD in France. He has been a member of SIDENOR SA since 2014 and currently holds the position of Commercial Manager.  He is a Non – Executive member of the Board of Directors of the company since June 2021.

Vassilia Manoli – BoD (Independent Non-Executive) Member 

Graduate (B.Sc.). Accounting and Finance from the American College of Greece and holds a master’s degree in business administration (MBA), Banking & Financial Services from Alba Graduate Business School. She has 30 years of experience in the private banking sector in positions of responsibility. From 2005 until today she is a member of the executive staff of Eurobank S.A. She specializes in Strategic Coordination, Business Development, Business Banking, Credit Risk and ESG issues. She currently holds the role of Country Manager for Cyprus and Luxembourg in the Bank’s International Strategic Activities Coordination Unit.


The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee’s Operation Regulation defines its aim and responsibilities, how it is formed, how often it meets and how its work is evaluated.

The Audit Committee’s role

The Audit Committee’s main role is to assist the Board of Directors regarding the execution of its supervising duties which mainly involve:

  • Checking the adequacy of the Internal Audit and Risk Management Systems;
  • Supervising and assessing the procedure for compiling and issuing the Company’s financial statements, and their validity;
  • Selecting and evaluating the external auditors’ performance and independence, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the Internal Audit and Regulatory Compliance;
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of accounting and financial systems,
  • financial information,
  • auditing mechanisms,
  • business risk managements systems;
  • Ensuring compliance with the legal and regulatory framework;
  • Checking the effective implementation of Corporate Governance Principles; and
  • Submitting reports on issues arising during the execution of its duties.

In order to carry out is work, the Audit Committee has free and full access to the information it needs during the execution of its duties, and it is provided with the necessary resources for fulfilling its scope, including services provided by external consultants.